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Blk Women Can

“Blk Women Can” Puff Tee

“Blk Women Can” Puff Tee

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Where are my heavyweight tee people at?! Introducing our first heavyweight puff vinyl t-shirt. Still maintaining that soft feel but with a little extra weight and durability. 


  1. It is better to wash the fabric with hands. 
  2. Turn the garment inside out before washing it to protect the design.
  3. Use a mild detergent and wash the garment in cold or lukewarm water.
  4. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals as they can damage the vinyl.
  5. Do not wring or twist the garment with Puff HTV before drying. It is best to air dry it to preserve the design and prevent heat damage. Hang the garment on a clothesline away from the sun.
  6. Iron the fabric inside out. Use a pressing cloth or parchment paper to cover the design.
  7. Set the iron to a low heat setting (without steam) and apply gentle pressure for a short duration. Avoid direct contact between the iron and the vinyl.
  8. Puff HTV is generally not recommended for dry cleaning, as the chemicals used in the process can affect the vinyl's appearance and adhesion.
  9. To preserve the longevity of garments with puff HTV, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid folding or creasing the vinyl, as it may cause permanent damage to the design.
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